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Colquitt Christian Academy 4th Grade

Fourth grade is a year of securing the foundational pegs of grammar school as we begin to transition from the concrete learning stage into a more abstract learning atmosphere. In math, our students study the importance of place value first so that they have a better understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of multi-digit numbers. We also focus on being more fluent as we secure the pegs of our foundational math skills. In reading and language arts, our students are applying learned reading skills as they explore literature, Bible verses, and poems.

Through this exploration, students are expected to discuss the main ideas; draw their own conclusions; and decipher the author’s purpose. In keeping with Classical Christian education model, prepared written literature projects are presented orally to their peers. In order for the 4th grade students to write well, writing skills are developed and practiced using the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) methodology.

When applicable, writing assignments relate to the history that is being studied. Through IEW, students learn how to take notes; write from notes; add required elements; and edit. New elements are gradually added throughout the year. The IEW writing assignments vary from nonfiction to fiction and from one to five paragraphs. Our students are taught history through the study of the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt using Veritas History Cards. Biblical references are included with relevant dates and people being highlighted. Science is brought to life by learning about God’s creations in the order that He created them through many class experiments and projects.

By studying the world He made, we learn more about God. In the study of the Bible, our fourth graders learn 35 attributes of God while memorizing supporting scripture and discovering how man is to respond to God as he is revealed in His Word through music, drama, and pictures. The students begin their day with a devotion and prayer time as a class. Throughout the day, students are encouraged to seek what is true, good, and beautiful in God’s eyes.
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


Chronicles through Malachi

This class is a graded course and is intended to build the students’ love of scripture and knowledge of the historical events and context of the books of Chronicles through Malachi, including Job. Emphasis is placed on practical application through teacher-led devotions and memorization of key passages aimed at building character and godliness.   

This is done through: 
• Research work by small groups and individuals on specific projects
• Integration with art, geography, history, and music; building models, making drawings, writing stories, playing games, and making collections and displays
• Dedicated memory work time during “memory period”
• Studying, drilling, and reviewing flashcards
• Teacher-led devotionals


How can good grammar lead to good thinking? 

This course continues the grammar school study of formal English grammar as well as the fundamentals of composition. Students master parts of speech and apply their knowledge of words to form strong written and oral compositions. This study lays essential groundwork for future lessons in logic and rhetoric and is a key part of the overall curriculum. (See also Spelling / Penmanship.)

This is done through: 
• Primarily large-group instruction using Shurley grammar question and answer flow
• Review of all basic grammar instruction through repeated chants, jingles, and applications
• Individual instruction and editing; imitation of well-written works to teach writing skills
• Integration with other subjects in writing / oral presentations
• Frequent creative writing exercises involving the elements of a story, connected with literature/reading







Instilling a Love of Learning in Every Student!

Colquitt Christian Academy's Mission is to provide an academically challenging program, to create a love of learning in every student, to instill the habits of success in every student, and to prepare the student to be a responsible and productive member of the community.

What the Community is Saying About CCA

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