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Parent Involvement 

The next best thing to being a student at Colquitt Christian Academy is parental involvement.  Our field trips and events spill over with active, enthusiastic parents.  We encourage all families to become a part of our vibrant school community.  Within our school community is the Parent Service Committee, a group of parents that collectively organize a variety of activities and events to support Colquitt Christian Academy.

Click to see our awesome parents in action!

How Parent Involvement Helps CCA

In addition to assisting in an energetic school community, parental involvement also boosts the confidence, enthusiasm and dedication in the student body; it extends teaching outside the classroom; creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school.

Volunteer Hours

The Parent Service Committee values parent involvement and our school community so much that we require families to serve 10 hours per school year.  We understand that serving may be difficult as the dynamics for each family differ, so  we are introducing an option to opt out of 5 of the service hours for a fee of $250.  Families should still plan to complete the remaining 5 service hours.


The Parent Service Committee hosts a 1 Mile Fun Run, 5K and 10k Race each October; a Fraser Fir Wreath Sale in the Winter and a Golf Tournament in the Spring.  Fundraising successes assist in alleviating tuition costs, offsetting school overhead, purchasing educational material, and offering unique learning opportunities for our students, teachers and staff.  Without parent involvement, the above mentioned school events and our school community would not be possible or successful. Participating in fundraisers is a great way to earn service hours.

Ways To Get Involved

The Parent Service Committee offers a variety of ways to get involved and we are eager for you to share your gifts and talents. **Please note that the list below is not all-inclusive**

• Race Fundraiser
• Wreath Fundraiser
• Golf Tournament Fundraiser
• Securing Fundraising Sponsors
• Substitute Teachers
• Office Helpers-
• Logging books into library system
• Grandparents Day
• Thanksgiving Lunch
• Teacher/Staff Appreciation week
• Various Workdays
• Field Trips
• Uniform Consignment Closet
• Lunch Helpers
• Classroom monitors
• Coaching a sport
• Reading to class
• Volunteer in the classroom
• Fall fun day

How Do I Get Involved as a CCA Parent?

If you have questions about being more active in your child's educational experience, contact us below.
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Instilling a Love of Learning in Every Student!

Colquitt Christian Academy's Mission is to provide an academically challenging program, to create a love of learning in every student, to instill the habits of success in every student, and to prepare the student to be a responsible and productive member of the community.

What the Community is Saying About CCA

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