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CCA Seventh Grade Curriculum

Logic is the art of thinking -- the stage of learning that begins to answer the how and why questions. CCA’s Logic School denotes students in grades 7-9. During these years, children begin to think independently and often like to ask questions. The Classical method cuts “with the grain” during this stage by teaching students to think critically and begin to formulate answers to the perennial questions. As an aid to this end, students study formal logic to assist in proper understanding of sound arguments and debate. Do not be surprised if your child comes home able to screen political claims for logical fallacies. Logic Students use the “pegs” of knowledge installed at the Grammar School as a foundation for understanding creation and its underlying rules. Plumbing the depths of God’s ordered world is a duty of delight, and logic is rightly called an art because it is a work of creative activity; one of the myriad of ways humans fulfill the Cultural Mandate (Genesis 1:26-28). Logic Students are also evaluated three times a year by utilizing grade-appropriate assessments designed to test information recall and skills growth over time.

Composition I
How do different purposes for writing call for different forms of writing?

This course transitions students from grammar to logic as they review the basic narrative forms practiced in 5th and 6th grade and increasingly develop their own compositions. Students move from writing that merely summarizes to writing that considers why and how something happened.Students review and practice the following progymnasmata: narrative, comparison, and description. Throughout, students analyze and imitate great writing to improve their writing style and organization, as well as complete copia, vocabulary, and grammar exercises to help in their reading comprehension and writing style. At the beginning of the year, students complete an intensive tutorial in typing  

This is done through: 
• Introduce and discuss new types of compositions with students
• Students carefully listen to or read instructions in student workbook; students may read instructions aloud, or narrate back to teacher the instructions to ensure understanding
• Direct analysis and discussion of passages as well as guide students in focusing on elements to imitate from sample passages
• Use rubrics in teaching manual to provide limited written feedback on compositions that students can immediately apply on their next composition (for example, note one strength and two areas to work on for next composition)
• As is helpful, substitute passages students are reading in their Ambrose literature, science, or history classes for passages in Bauer’s book, and/or have students complete similar writing techniques learned in composition when completing writing assignments in history, literature, or science
• For compositions where students choose their topics, topics should be integrated with subject matter from other Ambrose courses
• Se peer editing as is helpful
• As appropriate, students can present their written work to the rest of the class

Humane Letters I
History, Bible, Literature
How does our view of the world influence how we live? How does our view of God influence the way we live?

This course will briefly cover the early Mesopotamian cultures, biblical history, and Egyptian culture before turning its focus to Ancient Greece and Rome. Students will consider what a worldview is and how it affects life and culture, both in their personal experience and in history. Much of the course will be spent on understanding Greek thought, philosophy, culture, literature, and art as the foundation of Western civilization. It will then turn to the Roman culture and its influence on the world as well as Christianity’s influence on Rome. The integration of Hebrew Scripture,Roman culture and Greek thought into Christianity is taught from the perspective of God’s divine plan for His Church. Students will focus on logical applications and inquiries from this time period, preparing them for the rhetoric track in 10th grade.

This is done through: 
• Primarily lecture and discussion-oriented, based on individual or in-class readings using Socratic Discussion Rubric as a methodological guide; aim for at least 30% discussion
• Classes and units built around Key Questions, which build to higher Major and Master Questions for each work, unit, semester, and course
• Debates, recitations, and student presentations
• Lecture and discussion, particularly as introductory material or historical framework requires
• Viewing and discussing of pertinent works of art, literature, music, and poetry
• Beginning class each day with a brief activity, questions to consider, or written response designed to focus the class discussion and prepare students for the lesson.

How do we see God’s hand in math?

How do we apply math concepts to everyday problems?

Math Logic is a course that reviews and builds basic skills necessary for entering an Algebra I course. A review of basic algebra properties will be applied to operations with integers, fractions, and decimals. Students also learn to write proper steps to solve algebraic equations and use them to solve problems. Students will review and apply the topic of percent and solve problems applying it. Other topics of study include an introduction to formal geometry, linear graphs and systems, areas and volumes of solids, statistical data and graphs, and probability.

This is done through: 
• Class should begin each day with checking homework and answering students’ questions; this may be done in a variety of ways to save time and to improve their understanding of the concepts
• Lesson with new topics includes engaging the students in the lesson using a variety of lesson presentations.

Physical Science
How do the physical properties of creation reflect God’s wisdom?

What happens in our minds when we read? 

This course introduces students to the physical sciences, focusing on basic chemistry, and physics.

This is done through: 
• Teaching is focused on guided inquiry in the science classroom—how to ask questions, developing lab procedures, practicing those, with lecture and discussion, during which the instructor introduces or reviews concepts from student readings and students respond
• class should begin each day with a brief activity, questions to consider, or written response designed to focus the class discussion and prepare students for the lesson
• Laboratory work and experimentation is a key part of this class, both individually and in groups
• Direct students to complete a major science fair project in the spring semester.

What do we learn about a people and their culture through their language?

In this course, students continue to develop their Latin fluency, with the aim of being able to fluently read original Latin works by the 10th grade.Students begin their study of intermediate Latin with a focus on translating and vocabulary acquisition.  

This is done through: 
Latin instruction follows comprehensive input methods; the teacher will speak slowly, engage in an unceasing repetition of phrases, and keep Latin speech at a level where students comprehend what is said
• Using and practicing new Latin structures repeatedly until students are familiar with them
• Grammar instruction using practice text alongside parsing
• Required vocabulary memorization
• Using Latin Phrase chants, images, and films to introduce vocabulary and grammatical structures
• Regular use of quizzes to guide teacher instruction.

Instilling a Love of Learning in Every Student!

Colquitt Christian Academy's Mission is to provide an academically challenging program, to create a love of learning in every student, to instill the habits of success in every student, and to prepare the student to be a responsible and productive member of the community.

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