Committed to Excellence

Colquitt Christian Academy (CCA) is a high achieving, happy, vibrant and forward thinking school in which children excel themselves academically, spiritually, and socially. Our eager students have a real thirst for learning and our excellent staff are committed and dedicated in ensuring that each and every child achieves. We have high standards and expect the best in both academics and spiritual growth.
The mission of Colquitt Christian Academy is to develop the whole child while providing a Christ-centered education in a biblical worldview, instilling a passion for wisdom and truth.
Colquitt Christian Academy aims to graduate young men and women who think clearly and listen carefully with discernment and understanding; who reason persuasively and articulate precisely; who are capable of evaluating their entire range of experience in the light of Scripture; and who do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God. We desire them to recognize cultural influences as distinct from biblical and to be unswayed toward evil by the former. We aim to find them well prepared in all situations, possessing both information and knowledge of how to use it. We desire them to be socially graceful and spiritually gracious; equipped with and understanding the tools of learning; desiring to grow in understanding and wisdom, yet fully realizing the limitations and foolishness of the wisdom of this world. We desire for them to have a heart for the lost and the courage to seek to dissuade those who are stumbling toward destruction; that they distinguish real religion from religion in form only; and that they possess the former, knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ. And all these we desire them to possess with humility and gratitude toward God.
Colquitt Christian Academy (CCA) is fully accredited through the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC). This validates the desire of the CCA Board and Faculty to be among other reputable schooling options. Graduating students are eligible for the HOPE scholarship. In addition, CCA is an active member of the Georgia Independent School Association (GISA) which provides professional development opportunities and athletic/interscholastic competitions for students. CCA is also a candidate for accreditation through the Association of Classical Christian Schools.